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UX/UI Case Study: Photo App and Art History App

While working on my Google certificate, I made a mockup design of a photo app that works as a supplement to various social media platforms. I was a junior UX designer and researcher while working on this project.

Project Goals

The objective was to create an app that complements various other social media sites. It would be like a supplement that streamlines posting pictures versus opening different apps and posting the same photo over and over again.

Target Audience

This app is geared toward the 16-50+ demographic of both genders who enjoy art and photography.

Key Challenges and Constraints

The biggest challenge would be the balancing of making the app look visually appealing to both young and old and yet functional and easy to use.

Research Photos

User Studies Results

In the beginning, there were issues with the Search button lacking extra options for users. That was fixed later on. Also, the color scheme previously was planned to be brown and blue, but users did not like the clashing of colors so I went with a color scheme that is more nuanced.

Conclusions/Personal Growth

The Google UX course taught me how to plan and prepare my designs step-by-step. There is certainly a lot that goes into developing a design for an app or website. UX isn’t easy, but it's well worth it. It combines a blend of tech savviness and a keen eye for design.

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